
William Leo Morrison

William Leo Morrison

William Leo Morrison

William Leo Morrison


Joined AGB:
First service: about 1959

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Primary Office:

William (Bill) Leo Morrison was born in 1931 in Nampa, ID, and raised in nearby Aberdeen, SD. He graduated from Harvard College and then from Harvard Law School, married Kate Becker, and in about 1958 moved to Chicago to join Gardner, Carton, and Douglas, where he specialized in taxation. He was a man of great intelligence, and an avid reader with wide interests. He was an intense tennis player, a writer and painter, and an excellent story teller. Gardner Carton were general counsel to A.G. Becker & Co. for some years. As described in the Investment Programs Appendix, Bill was instrumental in introducing Don Herman to Becker and to Becker’s successful investments in the various Herman enterprises.

WIlliam Leo Morrison died peacefully at home on the evening of December 4, 2013 after a long battle with cancer. He was 59. He was survived by his wife, Kate; four children; four grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and a brother.

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