
William Eaton

William Eaton


Joined AGB:

Primary Dept/Div:
Credit Securities

Primary Office:
San Francisco, Chicago

Bill Eaton joined A.G. Becker in 1921, and thus overlapped with A.G. Becker for four years. He joined about the same time as Walter McEvoy and between the two of them, under the aegis of Howell Murray, advanced the work of A.G. Becker in developing the “western” commercial paper business of the firm. Through branch offices in Los Angeles, San Franciso, Portland, Seattle, and Spokane, Eaton, working out of San Francisco, substantially expanded the range of Becker’s bank clients between the Dakotas, Seattle, and Los Angeles, and the range of fixed income securities these customers bought. Eaton moved to Chicago and the Chicago office in the late 1940s or early 1950s, with the advance of communications and the capacity to service customers over the phone and by teletype. Bill Eaton retired in 1955, continued to live in Chicago, died in 1957, and was buried in Vancouver BC.

Chicago Tribune. September 8, 1957. The funeral of William R. Eaton, 65, of 1036 N. Dearborn Street, for 40 years a salesman for A.G. Becker & Co., investment brokers at 120 S. LaSalle Street, will be held today. Burial will be in Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Eaton died Friday evening in the Catherine Booth Hospital.

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