
Russell H. (Buck) Boyd

Russell H. (Buck) Boyd


Joined AGB:

Primary Dept/Div:
Sales Management

Primary Office:

Russell (Buck) Boyd joined A.G. Becker shortly after A.G. Becker died. He presumably was hired by Vladamar Johnson as part of the New York and “Eastern Region” expansion after 1924. It is not known why an office was established in Albany, possibly because it was the state capital or because Buck Boyd came from there. The office apparently survived the depression and the war and was open into the 1950s. Buck retired in September, 1965, and the office was under the prospective leadership of Tony Cashen. The office didn’t meet our new Goals and Objectives and Tony moved back to the NY office for a new assignment. Thus the office was closed in 1966.

Deceased but no obit located.

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