Ronald H. Grierson
Ronald H. Grierson
August 6, 1921
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London, New York
Ronald (Ronnie) Grierson became a Director of BWP in the late 1970s a representative of Warburg. He became a Managing Director of Warburg-Paribas to develop international business. Grierson was knighted in 1990. He graduated from Oxford before WWII in which he was active as a parachutist in various theatres. After the War, Sir Ronald engaged for 70 years in a very wide range of governmental, multi-national, political, civic, and business activities on an international scale. He was a director of a number of major American companies and very active in the modernization of English industry after WWII. He was also active in a variety of cultural endeavors. He lived in London, New York, and Tuscany. Sir Ronald was, unfortunately, not able to contribute much to the investment banking activities of Becker because of the very short term of his active participation.
Obituary: Sir Ronald H. Grierson died on October 23, 2014.
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