
Robert S. Anderson, Jr.

Robert S. Anderson, Jr.


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Bob Anderson joined the Chicago commercial paper department in the early to mid 1960s. He showed quick success as a salesman with leadership qualities. In a few years, Bob became a Vice President and National Sales Manager. In late 1971, with associate John Hendrickson, Bob was on a trip to visit the Caterpillar Company in Peoria taking a commuter plane out of Meigs Field. In approaching the Peoria Airport on instruments on October 21, 1971, the plane was apparently attempting to fly under the cloud cover at 300-400 feet and struck a number of power lines at 110 feet above the ground. There were no survivors among 14 passengers and 2 crew, including John Hendrickson.

Chicago Tribune, October 22, 1971. Yesterday, Robert S, Anderson, Jr., age 31, Vice President of A.G. Becker & Co., died in an airplane crash while approaching the Peoria airport in an instrument landing. Bob was survived by his widow, Beatrice; a daughter and a son; his parents, and a grandmother.

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