
Pierre Haas
Pierre Haas
Pierre Haas
February 17, 1920
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Paris, New York
As of 7/16/1977. Pierre Haas, is a director and Executive Committee member of The Becker Warburg Paribas Group and vice chairman of Warburg Paribas Becker. He also is executive vice president of Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas and joined the Paribas Group in 1965. In addition, Pierre holds the following positions: Chairman of the Societe Financiere Louis le Grand; vice chairman of Gec-Elliott Automation in Paris; a director of Cofimer, Patino N.V., Aseam Bank in Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, and Bangkok and a commissioner of Aseam Indonesia. Pierre served as a vice president of Compagnie Continentale in France from 1952 until joining the Paribas Group. He received his Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Paris (1940), is a graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences (1942) and a graduate of the 38th AMP Program of Harvard Business School. (1960).
Obituary: Deceased
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