Milton J. Walters
Milton J. Walters
May 21, 1942
Joined AGB:
Primary Dept/Div:
Corporate Finance
Primary Office:
New York
As of 7/15/1977: Milton Walters, New York, is a managing director in the Corporate Finance Department, Eastern region, of Warburg Paribas Becker. After serving as a credit trainee with Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Milt joined the firm In 1965 as a credit analyst in the Corporate Finance Department. He is a graduate of Hamilton College where he received a B.A. degree and attended graduate school at Hofstra University.
On the acquisition of Becker by Merrill, Milt joined Smith Barney. The plan was to develop a Financial Institutions Team within the investment banking group. The group was successful but hampered by various factors. In early 1988, Milt resigned and organized Tri-River Capital. This group of 3-4 persons did some financing and business combination projects and then joined Prudential Securities. After two years, Milt left and restarted Tri-Capital, and became director of various companies, all of which have subsequently been sold, except for two private companies. This was enjoyable work. Milt also become quite active in local civic groups in the Lyme, CT area where he and his family moved in approximately 2010.
Obituary: Living
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