
Maurice Joseph Cann

Maurice Joseph Cann

Maurice Joseph Cann

Maurice Joseph Cann

August 22, 1906

Joined AGB:

Primary Dept/Div:

Primary Office:

Maurice (Maury) Cann joined Becker as a runner, three years before the death of A.G. Becker. Thus, he knew the founder, and worked under the Chicago office leadership of both Bob Schaffner and David Stern. Maury was active in the over-the-counter trading department and with that experience worked closely with Herb Schaffner and later with Ken Nelson in creating a national comprehensive institutional order servicing capability described in the Chronicle. Maury became a stockholder in 1949, and then a Board member, and retired in the late 1960s, early 1970s. He attended the 1993 Reunion.

Maurice Joseph Cann died September 4, 2002, at the age of 96, in Sarasota FL.

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