
John F. Lebor

John Lebor


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John Lebor was born in Portland, OR in 1906. He graduated from Reed College and with distinction from the Harvard Business School in 1930. After a 36 year career in investment management, motion pictures, air conditioning manufacturing, and retailing, he retired as Executive Vice President and a Director of Federated Department Stores, Inc. John was a guiding influence in the development of Cincinatti-based Federated, and a great friend of A.G. Becker & Co., and of James Becker. In 1929, Jim initiated an investment banking relationship with Columbus-based, Lazarus, and other retailing companies that became a part of Federated. Later, Becker lost the lead investment banking role to a competitor. However, John Lebor kept Becker recognized as a special bracket underwriter and maintained a close friendship with Jim Becker. When Jim died in 1970, the author established a senior consulting retainer with John Lebor and Ed Blettner. See the Blettner bio file, and the Chronicle story. John’s consulting relationship with the firm ended in the late 1970s. The author maintained contact and a friendship with John until his death in 2003 at the age of 97.

Cincinatti Com. LEBOR John F., a retired business executive and director of many corporations, died at his home in North Palm Beach, Florida, Friday morning, June 20, 2003. He was 97 years old. He was preceded in death by his first wife Violette and survived by his second wife, Dorothy; two sons, three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

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