John D. Mabie
John D. Mabie
January 7, 1932
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As of 7/16/1977. John D. Mabie, Chicago, is president of Mid-Continent Capital, a position he has held since its formation in 1973. John joined our organization in 1954 as a registered representative and built a substantial, mostly personal, account clientele. As noted in the Chronicle, John was an originator of the funds evaluation service. He served as a director of the firm from 1967 to 1974. He is a graduate of Williams College where he received a B.A. degree with honors (1954).
John was elected a General Director of the holding company in 198l. Later, he purchased Mid-Continent Capital from the firm. He has had a wide range of associations with mutual fund companies, investment and governing committees and boards of for profit and non-profit organizations, and has been chair of the Brain Research Foundation.
Obituary: Living
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