
Elmer Hassman

Elmer Hassman


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Elmer Hassman joined Becker in 1942, early in WW II, to form a municipal bond department. Later, in 1949, he was elected a vice president of the corporate affiliate of the AGB Partnership. Shortly, the partnership was liquidated back into the corporation. Elmer became a shareholder in 1957. He developed a staff in the Municipal Department and helped form a New York Department which later grew to encompass personnel in other offices. Elmer apparently retired shortly before his death in 1981.

Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1981. Elmer G. Hassman of Wilmette, formerly of Evanston, May 7, was an investment banker. For more than 40 years, he was a partner-vice president of A.G. Becker & Co., Inc., Chicago. He was manager of the municipal department of the Chicago office, former president of the Municipal Bond Club of Chicago, and former Governor of the Investment Bankers Assoc. After his retirement, he became a consultant to Becker and Reserve Insurance. He was a director of various companies He was the beloved husband of and survived by his wife, Lucille; and a nephew.

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