Edward F. Dugan
Edward F. Dugan
July 3, 1934
Joined AGB:
Primary Dept/Div:
Corporate Finance
Primary Office:
New York
As of 7/15/1977: Edward Dugan, New York, is president and chief operating officer, a director and executive committee member of Warburg Paribas Becker and also a director and executive committee member of The Becker Warburg Paribas Group. He joined the firm in his current position in 1975. Previously, Ed spent 16 years at Smith, Barney, the last eight as director, and had responsibilities in that firm’s domestic and international corporate finance, merger and acquisition and venture capital programs. He received an M.B.A. degree from New York University (1961) and a B.S. degree from St. Peter’s College (1958).
Ed resigned from Becker in 1978 and joined Paine Webber’s corporate finance department where he founded a group serving the media and entertainment fields. It is not known when Ed retired from Paine Webber.
Edward F. Dugan, died May 19, 2000, in New York City, from complications of cancer which he had been fighting for five years. He was 65 at the time of his death. He was survived by his widow, Susan; their daughter; three children from a first marriage; a brother; and three grandchildren.
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