Daniel J. Good
Daniel J. Good
April 4, 1940
Joined AGB:
Primary Dept/Div:
Corporate Finance, Executive
Primary Office:
Chicago, New York
In mid-1977, Daniel J.Good, Chicago, was a managing director, director and manager of Corporate Finance activities in the Central and Western region for Warburg Paribas Becker. He also served as a director of A.G. Becker. Dan joined the firm’s Corporate Finance Department In 1964 after two years as a credit analyst with American National Bank in Chicago. He received a B.S. degree from De Paul University (1961) and attended the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
In 1978, in connection with recombination of Becker Securities Corp. back into A.G. Becker & Co., and the structuring of Warburg Paribas Becker Inc. with A.G. Becker & Co. Inc. into AGB-WPB, Inc. Dan was elected a Senior Vice President and Director of AGB-WPB. Later in the year, with the departure of Ed Dugan, he was elected Executive Vice President and General Manager of WPB. In early 1982, with the resignation of Ira Wender, Dan was elected Co-Chairman of the business along with John Heimann. Later, Dan became President and Chief Operating Officer. With the full ownership of the firm by Paribas, Dan resigned as President and returned to Chicago to concentrate on corporate finance business development. Shortly thereafter, Dan resigned Becker Paribas and joined another securities firm.
Obituary: Living
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