Bruce S. Foerster
Bruce S. Foerster
March 22, 1941
Joined AGB:
Primary Dept/Div:
Primary Office:
New York
As of 7/15/1977: Bruce S. Foerster, New York, is vice president and syndicate manager for the Syndicate Department of Warburg Paribas Becker, a position he has held since joining the firm in 1977. Bruce came to our company from Wainwright Securities where he was a vice president and manager and previously was a first vice president in the Syndicate Department of Birr, Wilson & Company. He received his M.B.A. degree from the Wharton School of Finance (1971) and an A.B. degree from Haverford College (1965).
It is believed that Bruce now resides in Miami Beach and Fairfield, CT.
Obituary: Living
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