Barry S. Friedberg
Barry S. Friedberg
January 4, 1941
Joined AGB:
Primary Dept/Div:
Corporate Finance
Primary Office:
New York
In mid-1977: Barry S. Friedberg, New York, was a managing director, a director and manager of Corporate Finance activities in the Eastern region for Warburg Paribas Becker. He also served as a director of A.G. Becker. Barry joined the New York Corporate Finance Department in 1964, having previously been a credit analyst with Chemical Bank, He received an A.B. degree from Princeton University (1962) and attended the New York University Graduate School of Business.
As described in the Chronicle, Barry was elected a Senior Vice President and Director of AGB-WBB in 1978, and an Executive Vice President of WPB in 1982. Barry took over the Corporate Finance Division in mid-1983, having joined the Management Committee in 1982. Backed by support from Dan Good, Barry’s leadership of the corporate finance personnel led to continued significant advances in clients served, a diversity of transactions, and record activity volumes right up to the Merrill transaction in 1984. Barry was centrally active in the Paribas purchase of the Becker employee-owned shares, and then in the Merrill acquisition negotiations. Barry joined Merrill and went on to become head of investment banking at that firm.
Obituary: Living
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