
Anthony Cashen

Anthony Cashen


Joined AGB:

Primary Dept/Div:
Funds Evaluation

Primary Office:
New York

Anthony (Tony) Cashen graduated from Cornell with an MBA where he had been an undergrad classmate with Steve Weiss. After a few years as a sales manager for a major medical publication, Tony joined Becker in the early 1960s to assist Steve in his growing discretionary account management business. Shortly, Steve agreed with Jim Lewis to have Tony join Buck Boyd in the Albany office to see if that business could be maintained and enhanced. (See Boyd). In a short time, that effort was not proving successful, at which time Roger Brown and Dave Peterson identified Tony as a prime prospect to organize a dedicated, professional Funds Evaluation sales service force. From late 1965, for 18 months, Tony worked with Dave Peterson and others to shape the product, obtain trial data from over 100 accounts, and develop a recruiting and sales/service training program for the FES which was launched in April 1967. See the Chronicle as to the further development of FES. Tony left Becker in 1969 to join DLJ. Tony was succeed by Stu Gassel.

Obituary: Living

Other Photos: OI#429

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